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Faculty Titles

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While this issue is not a department- or division-level decision, people sometimes ask how faculty titles work at ACC.

At ACC, faculty titles are mapped onto one’s step/level. See the following chart:

At ACC, faculty generally start at “Assistant Professor” rank. As long as a member of the faculty is in “good standing,” she or he earns steps toward rank, moving from assistant professor to associate professor to professor. As you can see from the chart, the level (more or less, the level of graduate education, with certain exceptions), also plays a role.

Adjunct titles work the same way, except that they start with “Adjunct”: at level III, step 16, for instance, an adjunct member of the faculty would be “Adjunct Associate Professor.”  

The discipline that is usually part of faculty titles is based on the assigned teaching department, or, if there are multiple departments or discipline, the primary teaching discipline.

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