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Faculty Loading
Per AR 4.03.004, Guideline, Full-time faculty contractual load depends on the contract length:
- 10-5-month contract: 36 LEH (15-15-6)
- 9-month contract: 30 LEH (15-15 LEH; no summer FT load)
Full-time faculty maximum load:
- 21 LEH for fall and spring semesters
- 18 LEH for summer, with no more than 10.5 LEH in a single summer term
(See AR 4.03.004, Guideline Section 4, Instructional Faculty, para. 4C, for minimum and maximum loads.)
Adjunct faculty maximum load is as follows (AR 4.06.013):
- Fall and Spring: 9 credit hours/11 LEH
- Summer: 6 credit hours/6 LEH
- Exemption: “Early College Start,” i.e., dual credit (see AR 4.06.013, para. 2)
- The AR grants this exemption, in my interpretation, to deal with challenging situations that are not foreseen. In other words, exemptions should be genuine exceptions, and I would be quite reluctant to approve more than one section when that section takes an adjunct load beyond the maximum.