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DC Elections

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The DC election process is set forth in AR 3.02.003 with an accompanying guideline that specifies the voting process and requirements.

election timetable

  • early March: nominations
  • early April: voting by eligible voting members of the department’s governance committee
  • late April: tally and report results

Please recall that, per AR 3.02.003, newly-elected DCs take office after the end of the spring term.


The guideline sets forth several specific rules governing this process, particularly the mandate to use a two-envelope, secret ballot system and the public tallying of votes. Remember that the election requires an Election Coordinator, who should be selected with transparency and fairness in mind.

“The department will identify a full-time instructor, who may not be a candidate for Department Chair, to serve as Election Coordinator (EC).  This can be done by appointment by the current Department Chair or by vote of the eligible faculty in the department(s), whichever the eligible faculty prefer.  If no one willing to serve as EC is selected by the department(s), the Dean will serve as the EC.”

AR 3.02.003, Department Chair Election

I interpret the language of the AR concerning ECs to allow the option of selecting an Election Coordinator from outside your department, which I strongly encourage, as an embrace of transparency and fairness in the process.

Consistent with these values, I will email members of each department conducting an election to announce the election and draw attention to the timetable and process. By early March, I will publish the Election Coordinators in this resource and communicate with them to ensure that we follow a uniform, fair, and transparent process across LAHC. 

According to my records, the departments listed below are electing chairs in Spring, 2021.

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