Just added: honors in the 12-week term!

My guest author for today’s post is Louisa Spaventa. I asked Louisa to tell me more about her honors course on queer lit, which she is teaching in the Spring 12-week term.

The course starts Feb 12, so there’s still time to register!  Click ENGL-1302-64939 and scroll down to the 12-week term for details. To sign up, contact honors at 512.223.2171.

Here’s what Louisa says about the course: Continue reading “Just added: honors in the 12-week term!”

Avez-vous faim?

Avez-vous faim?

Le 21 novembre le French Club va avoir une vente de pâtisseries et autres choses françaises délicieuses. Nous espérons que vous viendrez les goûter.

Les prix: de $2 à $5

L’ endroit: À midi à HLC campus (en bas des escaliers). Cherchez la Tour Eiffel et le drapeau bleu, blanc, rouge.

On November 21st le French Club invites you try a taste of France! We will offer sweet and savory treats priced from $2-$5.

Check out our table at the bottom of the main staircase at the HLC campus. High noon, by the Tour Eiffel! Look for the French flag.

Deutscher Klub!

Wir freuen uns Sie im Deutschen Klub an ACC zu begrüssen.  Unsere erste Versammlung findet am 9. November 2017 statt.  Wir haben vor, sich regelmäßig jede Woche an HLC zu treffen.

Die Mitglieder sind die Studenten, die sich für die deutsche Sprache und Kultur interessieren.  Das Programm des Klubs umfasst: deutsche Filme, Weihnachtsfeier, Diskussionen zu einem aktuellen oder kulturellen Thema oder einfach geselliges Beisammensein.  Wir wollen auch unser Deutsch üben.  Wir hoffen Sie bald zu sehen.  Sie sind herzlich willkommen!

HB2223 challenges and opportunities

For those who may not be familiar with HB 2223, let me start with a brief introduction.

There are many details in the bill, but we will be dealing with two key components. First, there’s a phased requirement to increase the percentage of developmental education courses that are co-requisite with college credit  courses. There’s a good bit of evidence that students achieve proficiency in Continue reading “HB2223 challenges and opportunities”

Convocation Redux

For those of you who weren’t able to join me for the Fall 2017 LAHC convocation, here’s a brief overview.

I am honored to have been appointed dean of our newly realigned division, Liberal Arts: Humanities and Communications, a position I assumed officially on August 1. Unofficially, I was occupied (until well into September) with my two-year process of moving fine and performing arts out of Rio Grande and into newly renovated space in Highland East. My thanks to Lyman Grant for Continue reading “Convocation Redux”