ACC Sends Another Student to Russia

Most students never consider the many doors that schools like Austin Community College can open for them. Unfortunately, there is a misconception when it comes to community colleges and many  liken them to technical colleges or perhaps a place for older adults wanting extra certifications within a field they’re already in. In reality, Austin Community College is a gateway to the wealth of potential that walks through its doors year round. Continue reading “ACC Sends Another Student to Russia”

International Festival!

Join ACC students, faculty, and staff on Friday, April 6, for International Festival, a celebration of all things international! Refreshments, performances from a Japanese fashion show to a Ballet Folklórico, demonstrations by Capoeiristas and Balalaika players, networking with community and business leaders — everything international in our community!

International Festival includes ACC departments with a global reach, including Foreign Languages, International Studies, our Study Abroad programs, and others, plus our neighbors and community leaders in international relations, international business, and globalization.

International Festival will be held at Highland Learning Center, Building 4000, Lower Level, Friday, April 6, 6:00 to 8:30 PM.

Yes, I did certify my attendance!

By now, we all know that we have to certify attendance for our classes at the beginning of each semester. And by now, many of us have gotten those irritating nag-emails about following through — even though we just got a confirmation email saying we certified! A pretty significant subset of those who have received one of those nags has insisted — rightly — that the attendance certification was done on time and blamed getting tagged with the “you didn’t follow through” message on technology — wrongly, it turns out. Continue reading “Yes, I did certify my attendance!”

Capital City Scribes, Austin’s calligraphy guild

Capital City Scribes logoI was chatting with Charlee Knight at the Cypress, campus, and she mentioned that she was a member of Capital City Scribes, Austin’s very own calligraphy guild. I had no idea — but I’m not passing up this opportunity. Here’s what she says about CSS and their upcoming exhibit in Georgetown.

Continue reading “Capital City Scribes, Austin’s calligraphy guild”

Just added: honors in the 12-week term!

My guest author for today’s post is Louisa Spaventa. I asked Louisa to tell me more about her honors course on queer lit, which she is teaching in the Spring 12-week term.

The course starts Feb 12, so there’s still time to register!  Click ENGL-1302-64939 and scroll down to the 12-week term for details. To sign up, contact honors at 512.223.2171.

Here’s what Louisa says about the course: Continue reading “Just added: honors in the 12-week term!”