LAHC Contextualized Course Survey

    We are evaluating the availability of contextualized courses in Humanities and Communications. By "contextualized course," we mean a course that meets the normal learning outcomes set by the department, but contextualizes instruction in another discipline. For instance, a Composition I course contextualized for Health Science students will include the customary assignments and learning outcomes as any Comp I course, but the course content or assignments — readings or class presentations, for instance — might address case studies in medical ethics, which would make the course of greater interest to Health Science majors. Studies have shown that contextualized skill-building is generally more effective with higher levels of mastery, so contextualized courses could give your students a boost in their skills.

    We'd like your help! Please complete the brief survey below. We'd like to learn more about contextualized courses that are already available to your students, but we are also very interested in your ideas for contextualized courses that would benefit your students. We thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey!

    Your name:

    Your ACC email address:

    Your ACC phone number:

    Your Department/Discipline:

    Do your majors already have contextualized courses available to them?

    If so, please list any currently-offered contextualized course(s) that you know of.

    We assume that Humanities and Communications courses should be contextualized in health sciences generally. Would you encourage us to offer courses contextualized more specifically in particular fields or disciplines (e.g., radiology, dental assistant, pharmacology, etc.)?
    Health Science is fineConsider a more specific field/discipline

    Which specific fields or disciplines would you like us to consider?

    Of the courses from the Humanities and Communications division that are currently on your degree plan (e.g., Composition I, Fundamentals of Public Speaking, etc.), which would you like to see us offer as a contextualized course? List as many as you like.

    Do you have other comments or questions about contextualized courses for your students?

    When you have finished, please click the button below to submit your responses. Thanks!

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    Author: Matthew

    philosopher, iconoclast, technoboy, musician, conjuration battle-mage, dean

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