CE-Credit Survey

    I'm collecting data about CE students in credit sections. As we transition to online instruction via Blackboard, we want to ensure that no CE students are left behind.

    Please complete this survey only if you currently have CE students in a transfer credit course. Thanks!


    Do CE students automatically appear as students in Blackboard credit courses?
    YesNoI don't know

    I have CE students in the following credit section(s):

    My CE students already appear in the appropriate Blackboard credit section: YesNo

    If you answered No to the previous question, then you have at least one CE student in a section you are teaching, but they do not appear in your Blackboard transfer credit course. Please try to add the CE students into your Blackboard course (instructions below).

    Were you able to add your CE students into the appropriate Blackboard credit course?
    Yes, it worked.I couldn't find the CE students.I found the CE students but adding them didn't work.

    Instructions for adding a student to your Blackboard course

    • Log into Blackboard and click through to your course

    • Under Course Management, click on Users and Groups, then Users

    • Click Find Users to Enroll

    • Click Browse to open the search panel

    • Select what to search for.

      • The username is the student's SID. If you know the SID, this is the quickest way to search

      • You can search on the student's first name, last name, or ACC email address.

      • "Contains" usually works for last name or first name. If you know the complete email address, you can also use "equal to."

    • If your CE student appears in the search results, check the box at the right and click Submit
    • Now enroll the student:

      • The username of the student you selected now appears in the Username box.

      • Ensure that the Role is set to Student

      • Click Submit

    • You will return to the list of users in your class. Please verify that the CE student you enrolled appears on your list of users.

    • Complete the last survey question above

    Thank you for your help!

    Spread the love

    Author: Matthew

    philosopher, iconoclast, technoboy, musician, conjuration battle-mage, dean

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