Welcome to Spring, 2019!

Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed a pleasant winter break and that you’ve returned rejuvenated and revved up for another semester!

Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed a pleasant winter break and that you’ve returned rejuvenated and revved up for another semester!

I’d like to take a moment to offer a few reminders and outline my priorities for the spring. Let’s start with nudges.

  • Check your rosters! If students turn up in your classroom who are not on the roster, please refer them to an appropriate office to make things official. We have new Registration Liaisons at each campus to help!
  • Submit your Attendance Certification by the deadline. (And remember that Attendance Certification is a per student function, not per class. Students who add your class after you submit Attendance Certification won’t automatically be certified.)

There’s a lot going on in our division. Here are our priorities for this Spring:

  • IntFest2019, Friday, March 29
  • Vision+Voice
  • Badging project, including these pilots
    • Critical thinking component skills
    • “Soft” Skills in LA
    • Leadership Skills
  • LAHC Internships (Anne-Marie)
  • English Proficiency assessment (ESOL partnering with ABE and CE)
  • Liberal Arts Institute 2.0 (with Sam and LASMS)
  • LA Co-Req Oversight workgroup
  • Honors
  • Enrollment Management Self-study (one part of which is our Gateway Courses study)
  • Dual Credit initiatives (including new dual credit coordinators for English!)

If one of these projects sounds exciting, be in touch — there’s plenty to keep us busy. I’m looking forward to working with you in pursuit of our mission.

I’m looking forward to Spring semester, including a bit of teaching. I’m teaching the second iteration of Logic for Game Design course.

Have a great semester!

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Author: Matthew

philosopher, iconoclast, technoboy, musician, conjuration battle-mage, dean

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