Selection Process Update

As you probably know, we are implementing many of the recommendations of the DC Compensation workgroup, including a newly defined job description for assistant deans and the new role of Registration Liaison. Letters of interest were due earlier this week. Here’s what you need to know about the selection process:

Assistant Deans

Each dean area will have two assistant deans, selected according to these guidelines from our AVP, Gaye Lynn Scott:

  • use a hiring committee of at least three
  • look for expertise or familiarity with programs in the dean area
  • look for expertise or familiarity with student learning outcomes and assessment, program planning (planning in general), continuous improvement, etc. for the AD Pathways
  • look for expertise or familiarity with teaching in an online environment, Quality Matters, good practice in distance education for the AD Distance Ed
  • consider asking for a presentation or a written overview along the lines of “how would you help the programs in this dean area systematically and effectively meet QM standards for all DE offerings by Fall 2020?” for the interview

We want to have our assistant deans in place for the spring semester, and so I am in the process of forming selection committees in the next week. Once I have the letters of interest from HR, we will review and select interviewees. My plan is to have the selection completed before Thanksgiving.

Registration Liaisons

Registration liaisons are faculty who perform many of the same registration-related functions of the old assistant dean position. Instead of release time, Registration Liaisons will receive stipends. There will be 16 registration liaisons assigned to specific campuses and reporting to the academic dean for the assigned campus. As of this week, the projected assignments are:

  • Cypress:  2 (one for CYP, one for SGC), reporting to Matthew
  • Eastview:  1, reporting to PatHays:  1, reporting to Giao
  • Northridge, 3, reporting to Lorlie
  • Highland:  3 (also covering Elgin), reporting to David and/or Tom
  • Rio Grande:  1, reporting to Sam
  • Riverside:  2, reporting to Brandon
  • Round Rock:  2, reporting to Brandon and/or Pat
  • South Austin:  1, reporting to Linda

These projections are based on student population characteristics at the campuses, but note that registration liaisons will assist students in all AoSs. (For more information about this role, see Mike Midgley’s recent email about the recommendations of the DC Compensation Workgroup.)

We will likely adopt a selection process similar to that for Assistant Deans. I will update this post when I have more specifics.

In case you are wondering, LAHC department chairs also benefitted from the workgroup’s study. Beginning in the spring, all our LAHC DCs will have an increase in release time to support their work. In future, LAHC DCs will have 18 LEH per year release.

I am very pleased with the long-overdue “upgrade” to department chair compensation. I think the realignment of assistant deans to support departments and registration liaisons to support students is also a productive change.

Let me know if you have questions!

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Author: Matthew

philosopher, iconoclast, technoboy, musician, conjuration battle-mage, dean

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