Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

Administrative professionals:

I want to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate your work, your dedication, and your presence on our campuses and in our departments. The work you do makes our mission happen — serving students and our communities.

When I talk to colleagues about our mission as professors, I like to point out that the days of renting a classroom, professing a discipline, and conferring degrees, single-handed, ended in about AD 1300. As professors, we don’t — and can’t — go it alone. It takes all the people at the institution, top to bottom, to make our work as professors possible — especially our administrative staff. You are not a luxury! You’re on the front lines of our mission, every day.

Keep up your great work and attitude! If there’s anything I can do to make your work more effective, please let me know.

Everyone else:

Think about your day. Whatever challenges you’re facing today, think of all the tasks you’d have to undertake first, just to go about your business, if you couldn’t rely on administrative assistants to prepare the way for you.

Now, isn’t that a pleasant thought? Personally, I would resign and try my luck as a döner vendor in Vienna.

Come back to reality now, and take a moment to thank an admin.

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Author: Matthew

philosopher, iconoclast, technoboy, musician, conjuration battle-mage, dean

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