Faculty Emergency Fund Campaign

Faculty Emergency Fund Campaign

In 1999-2000 when I first served on the Faculty Senate, the Student Emergency Fund came up in a discussion at a monthly meeting. I asked if there was a faculty emergency fund. We didn’t have one at the time. So, as a representative of the Full Time Faculty Senate we worked with the Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA) to start the Faculty Emergency Fund. Since then, the fund has awarded over $12,000.00 to adjunct faculty who have experienced catastrophic medical and/or financial problems. This school year the Senate and the AFA are cooperating on a campaign to raise more money as the coffers have been low the past two years. Our goal is $15,000.00. Below is a link to the Faculty Emergency Fund page where you can find an application form for funds and a direct deposit form for contributions.


We are going about this in many ways.

One thread of the campaign is One Dollar A Month initiative to get as many faculty to make this small contribution for each month. With over 1000 teachers this could be very helpful. See the attached flier and the attached Direct Deposit Form.
Besides contributing once a month, one can do a one-time contribution by check with “Faculty Emergency Fund” written in the memo line. You can take the check to any cashier’s office on any campus.

If you have a spouse who works for a company like Dell, you might ask if that company does matching funds for community efforts like this. If the company does this matching gift, then the donation can be made through that company.

Another thread is the Bread for Bread program. For a generous contribution, Yam Tolan, President – Elect of the Senate and member of the Faculty Emergency Fund Committee, will bake a loaf of his homemade bread. Please see the attached flier for more information.

Your gifts to the fund will show how faculty members have a deep interest in each other’s welfare. If you have any questions or comments, get in touch with me, Frank Cronin, at 512-223-4889 or fcronin@austincc.edu.

My thanks to Frank Cronin for keeping attention on this campaign.

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Author: Matthew

philosopher, iconoclast, technoboy, musician, conjuration battle-mage, dean

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